The Weekly Buzz: Marketing ROI, SEO-CRO dance, HiPPOs, breaking conventions & evolving

Bithika Mehra
1 min readJan 13, 2021

In case you are wondering what this is all about, read my previous post introducing The Weekly Buzz and what to expect. And now without further ado, here’s the latest installment of The Weekly Buzz. Scroll down to the video for key takeaways.

  1. Want to know which half of your advertising spend is wasted? Experimentation to the rescue! Read Tim Wilson’s latest blog post.
  2. Is breaking a UX convention worthwhile? Read NN/g’s latest post on maintaining consistency & adhering to standards.
  3. How to get SEO and CRO to dance together? Get AWA Digital’s free e-book.
  4. How founders, HiPPOS and the marketing culture are defeated by data. Bonus: Washing hands. Intrigued? Read Juliana Jackson’s Linkedin article.
  5. Get your lesson in evolution of testing & optimization. Listen to the latest episode of Digital Analytics Power Hour podcast with guest Ton Wesseling.



Bithika Mehra

On the path to learning all things insights and optimization ( | Foodie | Environmentalist| Loves to travel | Player of a few riffs